Saturday, June 9, 2012


As excited as I was for a July release date for part one I don't see that happening. More like the end of this year. I want to make sure that you the reader get the quality novel that you deserve I am sorry for the delay and my editors have brought some great ideas to the table to make the first part even more epic. Stay tuned for more. But on a positive note...Mage eye beginnings will be out hopefully by the end of July and it will be free. I am also Looking for a name for a new capital city for the world of Darcodonius. It will be the capital city of the evil god Raziel suggestions? Leave comments here if you have one.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

So I have been working on my book trying my best to get it ready for a July publishing date, Well the more research I do the more I am realizing that it is not going to be that date. It would be more realistic for me to look for more of a December or even a January 2013 the actual part one of the book is almost done and should be finished by the end of this month, but I still have formatting for Ebook publishing and I haven't even got the Editing started yet. I would still like to get a good read over it and make adjustments as I see fit, to make the first part as enjoyable as I can for the readers. I have learned a lot over the past couple of months about the who self publishing in the Ebook world. I would like to share that knowledge by adding some links to some great books that have helped me on this journey. I know there is another one when I find it I will edit this post and include it.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Dolvarion Burial Song

“Udos vel'uss ph'zhuanth, zhuanth lu'numl, O ji zhuanth! Thou’sods d'drasven, thou’sods d'drasven, Ka jal zhahen della: Belbau ulu nindolen dhynen, hirs ulu l'tresk'ri, Natha xukuth nindel's gareth; Lu'l'verve wew-pothng klew'kinnen d'l'isto, Lu'l'edonil's linath: Udos sevir nindolen thac'zilen, l'shores d'l'tresk'ri, Ulu v'dre feir dal nesstren . Zhah gaer jalbyr i'dol, jalbyr i'dol? Tesso udossa ol t'yin: Udossa vel'uss ph'zhuanth, zhuanth lu'numl, O ji zhuanth! Thou’sods d'drasven, Thou’sods d'drasven, Ka jal zhahen della” (Translated as: We who are young, old and sad, O so sad! Thousands of years, thousands of years, we have lived: Give to this mortal, heir of the world, A heart that's strong; And the long dew-dropping hours of the night, And the twilight's song: you leave these lands, the shores of the world, To rest far from men. Is there another way, another path? Tell us it then: we who are young, old and sad, O so sad! Thousands of years, thousands of years, we have lived.)